6th day of 2011.
The 1st two days of school was super tired. Got sleepy in every classes. My eyes were getting smaller and smaller. Glad that I'm full of energy on 3rd day of classes.
Haha! Hmm..actually nothing special these few days. Just my bad-tempered attitude were shown very oBvIoUs today. Everyone asked me what happen. I just I just to happy. Haha! *ignore me* 2nd semester is really very SERIOUS. I really scared I can't catch up. Trying to concentrate in every class and do every works that teacher gave. Oh yeah! Did I mention I have my resit test on 18th? Great~gonna study MS again. Hope won't failed this time. *God bless me* Tomorrow we'll have class till 10am! Yeah! *shouting like idiot* After class, SHOPPING time! It's time to buy my CNY clothes! =) Can't wait tomorrow outing!

After few days busying with my school thing, i never really think of those stupid thing. I'm quite glad. Anyway, no matter how you treat me ( well, usually not very good) but I still be your friend.I think I'm stupid. YES! I AM! Well, that's what my friends said. aish~whatever! One day you'll know how important I am. Realise it before it's too late Dong! =)
It's time for my bedtime story~Night!
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